The Sooner State continues to bake in the heat this afternoon. As you can see on the image above, all but one station on the Oklahoma Mesonet (a network of 120 weather observing stations across the state) has reached at least 100 degrees this afternoon, and it is currently registering 99, with the century mark likely to be reached before the afternoon is over.
Computer forecast models suggest that the intense heat will peak across the state tomorrow. One of the computer model forecasts of maximum temperatures for Wednesday is shown below, and 115-120 degrees is indicated over the darker purple shaded area just to the North of Oklahoma City and just to the West of Tulsa (as noted in white):
If the upper end of the maximum temperature forecast for tomorrow verifies, the "all time" record high temperature for the state of 120 degrees could be in jeopardy. The last time that 120 degrees was recorded in Oklahoma was in Tipton on June 27, 1994.
Either way, it's been a scorcher across the region for the last several days, and this is one heatwave that I'm sure Oklahoman's won't be forgetting for a long time.
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